Learn to identify the plants and animals that are native to the inland valley and foothill plant communities of western Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. All posters are 24 X 36 inches. $6.50 each, plus tax, postage and handling (one mailed in a tube). Please call or fax a completed form, and you will be provided the correct amount of tax, postage & handling. Fax: (951) 683-3814. For more information or questions please email Erin Snyder at snyder@rcrcd,org .

To order copies of these posters, please print and fill out the form below. To get the correct amount for tax and postage and handling, please call the District. Mail or bring the completed form, along with payment in the form of check or cash, to the RCRCD office or mail to 4500 Glenwood Dr. Riverside, CA 92501.
Poster Order Form