Conserving Waterways

A joint Riverside County/City Arroyo-Watershed Committee (CCAC) worked from 2003-2011 to protect local waterways, adjoining wildlife habitat and water quality. The committee, comprised of city and county volunteers, sought to improve coordination between the City and County, reviewed development standards, and worked to educate the community about the value and care of watercourses (streams, creeks, washes, arroyos and the Santa Ana River). CCAC became a standing committee of the City of Riverside and Riverside County in 2004. At the request of elected officials, the committee developed the Riverside Arroyo Watershed Policy Study and Recommendations, which was provided to the County Board of Supervisors and Riverside City Council. Many of the policy recommendations were voted into policy. Main contributors to the study included Dr. Arlee Montalvo, Rick Thomas, and Dr. Cindy Nance.
Supervisor Bob Buster initiated the unique joint County–City committee and provided support from his staff, Robert Caliva and Debbie Walsh. Jerry Jolliffe (now retired) served as a Cochair and the County liaison and worked to incorporate changes into the General Plan. Scott Barber was the City’s Co-chair and sought to improve the City’s planning process. Jane Block and Frank Heyming took turns serving as citizen Co-chairs.
Community volunteers were appointed to represent each city ward and western Riverside county district: Dave Wahlquist, Lee Cussins, Jennifer Becker, Dick and Hazel Frick, Terry Wold, Wendy Eads, Ann Turner McKibben, Kim Morgan-Davidson, Cathy Perring, Kalina Cox, Debbie Walsh, Richard Puckett, Arlee Montalvo, Rick Thomas, Cindy Nance, and Don Coon. Numerous partners provided support to the effort including Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, County and City Planning Departments, Riverside Land Conservancy and the Riverside-Corona Resource Conservation District.
On behalf of citizens and endangered habitats, the committee would like to thank our local leaders, especially Supervisor Buster for supporting a vision of wise use of our natural resources.